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Python Language

Python is a beginner-friendly language that we use in these courses in the core CodeWizardsHQ curriculum:

Elementary Middle School High School
Intro to Text-Based Programming Introduction to Programming with Python Intro to Python
Capstone 1 Beyond Basics with Python Capstone 1
Progamming Fundamentals with Python Capstone 1 APIs and Databases
Logic with Python Intro to Databases Professional Web App Development
Modular Programming with Python Mastering APIs Capstone 2
Capstone 2 Mastering Databases Mastering MVC Frameworks
Python Game Development Capstone 3 Object Relational Mapping
DevOps and SoftwareEngineering
Capstone 3

In addition to those courses, Python is used in all courses of the Python Language Track.

In this section of our documentation, you'll find references to most of the core Python language features and built-in functions that we use in our CodeWizardsHQ courses.

You'll also find many Further reading sections, which pull from these excellent Python resources:


Programmers use comments to make notes in their source code for themselves or other programmers that will read their code later. They can also be used to "deactivate" lines of code that you don't want to run while you're working on a program.

Single Line Comments

Single line comments begin with the # character. You can put them above or to the right of the line of code they reference:

# Validate the user is logged in and redirect them to the appropriate page.
if is_logged_in(user):

MIN_HEIGHT = 60  # This is measured in inches, not feet!

Deactivating Code

You can deactivate sections of code with comments:

if age < 18:
    # Turning this off for now
    # prompt_user()

Multiline Comments

You can use multiline strings if you want to make a multiline comment:

This calculates the hypotenuse of a right triangle when given the sides
of the right triangle. It's the Pythagorean Theorem. The ** is how you
write exponents in Python, and fractional exponents are like roots,
so 0.5 is the square root.
hypotenuse = ((side_a ** 2) + (side_b ** 2)) ** 0.5

Further Reading

Conditional Statements

Conditional statements allow you to run a block of code when a boolean condition is true.


The if statement is the simplest form of conditional statement. If the expression to the right of the if keyword is True, the indented code block will execute:

is_hungry = True

if is_hungry:
    print("You should eat!")

Example Output:

You should eat!

Usually, a conditional expression uses comparison operators to generate a bool result:

age = 19

if age >= 18:
    print("You are legally an adult, congrats!")

Example Output:

You are legally an adult, congrats!


The elif conditional statement is used to group logically related conditional statements together. The first conditional expression that evaluates to True will run:

favorite_food = "Tacos"

if favorite_food == "Sushi":
    print("We're going out for Japanese food to night!")
elif favorite_food == "Pasta":
    print("How about we eat some Italian food tonight?")
elif favorite_food == "Tacos":
    print("Time for some Mexican food!")
elif favorite_food == "Samosa":
    print("Let's eat Indian food tonight!")

Example Output:

Time for some Mexican food!


The else conditional statement runs when all other conditional statements in a group are False. You can think of it as the default option:

favorite_food = "Hot Dogs with Cream Cheese"

if favorite_food == "Sushi":
    print("We're going out for Japanese food to night!")
elif favorite_food == "Pasta":
    print("How about we eat some Italian food tonight?")
elif favorite_food == "Tacos":
    print("Time for some Mexican food!")
elif favorite_food == "Samosa":
    print("Let's eat Indian food tonight!")
    print("I don't know what that favorite_food is!")
I don't know what that favorite_food is!

Comparison Operators

Here are the comparison operators that you can use in conditional expressions to generate a bool value:

Operator Description
> Greater-than
>= Greater-than or equal-to
< Less-than
<= Less-than or equal-to
== Equal-to
!= Not equal-to

Complex Conditional Statements

Complex conditional statements involve combining more than one conditional expression with logical operators:

age = 15
height_in_feet = 4.6

if age >= 13 and height_in_feet > 5:
    print("You may ride the roller coaster.")
    print("You may NOT ride the roller coaster.")

Example Output:

You may NOT ride the roller coaster.

You can string as many logical operators together as you want to build more complex conditional statements:

is_hungry = False
is_thirsty = True

food_amount = 10
drink_amount = 0

if is_hungry and food_amount > 0 or is_thirsty and drink_amount > 0:

Formatting complex conditional statements

With a large complex conditional statement, it's often easier to read and reason about if you enclose the conditional expression in parentheses and split the statements across multiple lines:

is_hungry = False
is_thirsty = True

food_amount = 10
drink_amount = 0

if (
    is_hungry  and food_amount  > 0 or
    is_thirsty and drink_amount > 0

Logical Operators

Logical operators allow you to combine multiple conditional expressions in a single conditional statement:

Operator Description
and True when both conditional expressions are True
or True when either conditional expression is True
not Reverses the value of a conditional expression

Using the and operator

The and operator evaluates to True when both conditional expressions are True:

age = 15
height_in_feet = 5.2

if age >= 13 and height_in_feet > 5:
    print("You may ride the roller coaster.")
    print("You may NOT ride the roller coaster.")

Example Output:

You may ride the roller coaster.

Using the or operator

The or operator evaluates to True when either conditional expression is True:

is_hungry = True
is_thirsty = False

if is_hungry or is_thirsty:
    print("You should go to the kitchen.")
    print("Do whatever, you're good!")

Example Output:

You should go to the kitchen.

Using the not operator

The not operator reverses a conditional expression:

is_tired = True

if not is_tired:
    print("Let's go outside and play.")
    print("Let's take a nap.")

Example Output:

Let's take a nap.

Nested Conditional Statements

Conditional statements can be nested inside other conditional statements. You just have to follow the same indentation rules for each nested conditional block:

role = "admin"

if role == "admin" or role == "developer":
    print("You can see the secret stuff in this app.")
    if role == "admin":
        print("You can also see the SUPER secret stuff in this app.")

Example Output:

You can see the secret stuff in this app.
You can also see the SUPER secret stuff in this app.

Further Reading

Data Types

Every value has a data type in Python. The data type determines what kinds of operations you can perform on the value. For example, you can't perform arithmetic between values that aren't numeric data types.


The bool data type represents a True or a False value:

is_hungry = True
is_thirsty = False

Generating bool in a conditional statement

You normally won't use a bool directly, but instead will generate a bool in a conditional statement:

age = 19

# This generates `True`
if age >= 18:
    print("You are an adult!")

# This generates `False`
if age < 18:
    print("You are a child.")

Truthy and falsy values

Booleans are not the only values that can be True/False. Every value in Python is either truthy or falsy, which means they can be used in conditional statements without a boolean comparison operation. Empty strings and the number 0 are falsy, and all other strings and numbers are truthy.

Here's an example of a falsy value:

username = ""

if username:
    print(f"Hello, {username}!")
    print("The username is blank")

Example Output:

The username is blank

Here's an example of a truthy value:

num_bananas = 2

if num_bananas:
    print("We have bananas!")
    print("We have no bananas!")

Example Output:

We have bananas!


The float data type represents a decimal number:

total_cost = 29.99


The int data type represents a whole number:

num_tacos_eaten = 12

Converting str to int

You can use the int() function to convert a str to an int:

age = int("13")

This is often combined with the input() function when you prompt the user for a numeric data type:

age = int(input("How old are you? "))


The str data type represents a text value:

name = "Daniel"

String concatenation

If you need to combine a variable and a str, you can use the + operator. This technique is called string concatenation:

name = "Daniel"
greeting = "Hello, " + name

print(greeting) # Hello, Daniel

String interpolation

Another way to combine a variable and a str is using f-strings. This technique is called string interpolation, and it is the preferred way to combine variables and str:

name = "Daniel"
age = 35

print(f"I'm {name} and I'm {age} years old.")

Example Output:

I'm Daniel and I'm 35 years old.

You can also use multiline f-strings if you have a large block of text that you want to insert variables into:

name = "Brandon"
planet_name = "Krypton"
number = "250"
animal = "Zebra"

story = f"""
Hello, my name is astronaut {name}, and I am on my way to planet
{planet_name}. I will be gone for {number} days. Please take care of my
{animal} for me.


Example Output:

Hello, my name is astronaut Brandon, and I am on my way to planet
Krypton. I will be gone for 250 days. Please take care of my
Zebra for me.

Multiline strings

Multiline strings allow you to write large blocks of text in a single print() statement:

menu = """
    Welcome to Dan's Taco Stand!

    Tacos       $2
    Burritos    $5
    Nachos      $3

    Place your order by clicking *Order Now*


Example Output:

    Welcome to Dan's Taco Stand!

    Tacos       $2
    Burritos    $5
    Nachos      $3

    Place your order by clicking *Order Now*
Removing the intial newline of a multiline string

You can remove the initial newline from a multiline string using the \ character:

options = """\
    (1) View All Contacts (2) View Contact
    (3) Add Contact (4) Update Contact
    (5) Remove Contact (6) Exit


Example Output:

    (1) View All Contacts (2) View Contact
    (3) Add Contact (4) Update Contact
    (5) Remove Contact (6) Exit

Raw strings

Raw strings (str prefaced with an r) tell Python to not interpret special str characters. You use them in CWHQ courses to print ASCII art and ensure it formats correctly.

Generally, r strings will also be multiline strings, but this isn't required:

mr_nibbles = r"""
        | o_o |


Example Output:

        | o_o |

Getting the number of characters in a str

You can use the len() function to get the number of characters in a str:

name = "Daniel"

len(name)  # 6

Checking if a str ends with a set of characters

The str.endswith() method lets you check if a str ends with a given pattern:

email_addresses = ["", "", ""]

for email_address in email_addresses:
    if email_address.endswith(".edu"):
        print(f"{email_address} is a school address")
    elif email_address.endswith(""):
        print(f"{email_address} is a CWHQ employee address")
        print(f"I don't know what {email_address} is for")

Example Output: is a CWHQ employee address is a school address
I don't know what is for

Sanitizing user input

User's do strange things, but using str.lower() and str.strip() can help your program to validate str data types.

str.lower() makes a str lowercase:

# Imagine a user entered "Pizza" with an uppercase P
favorite_food = "Pizza"

if favorite_food.lower() == "pizza":
    print("That's my favorite food!")

Example Output:

That's my favorite food!

str.strip() removes leading or trailing whitespace from a str:

# Imagine a user entered " pizza" with a leading space character
favorite_food = " pizza"

if favorite_food.strip() == "pizza":
    print("That's my favorite food!")

Example Output:

That's my favorite food!

You can chain these methods together to sanitize a str completely:

# What a mess! Extra spaces before/after and odd capitalization
favorite_food = " PIzZa  "

if favorite_food.strip().lower() == "pizza":
    print("That's my favorite food!")

Example Output:

That's my favorite food!

String Multiplication

You can multiply a str by a number if you want to make copies of a str:

num_hamburgers = 3
“🍔” * num_hamburgers

Example Output:


Splitting strings

You can split strings into a list based on a separator string using the str.split() method. The separator is not included in the results:

sentence = "I love coding so much!"

# splitting on spaces makes a list of words
words = sentence.split(" ")

print(words) # ["I", "love", "coding", "so", "much!"]

# splitting on a longer separator
words2 = sentence.split("love")

print(words2) ["I ", " coding so much!"]


The None data type represents the absence of a value. It is the default return value for any function without an explicit return statement:

def say_hi():
    # Nothing is returned here...

# Nothing is returned from `say_hi()`, so `return_value` holds `None`
return_value = say_hi()
print(return_value)  # None

If you use a return statement to exit a function early, but don't explicitly provide a value for the return statement, None is also returned.

def divide(numerator, denominator):
    if denominator == 0:
        print("You can't divide by 0!")
        # Implicitly returns `None`

    return numerator / denominator

quotient = divide(3, 0)
print(quotient)  # None

Further Reading

Data Structures

Data structures allow you to efficiently store and access groups of items. Think of them like different storage containers you may use around the house.


The list data structure is used to store data in ordered slots. It is known as mutable sequence type, which means it can be modified after creation.

Usually, the items in a list are homogeneous, which means they represent a group of similar items of the same data type:

names = ["alecg", "danielj", "dimas"]
menu_prices = [4.50, 5.75, 3.00]
ids = [184, 294, 832, 98, 4]

You can write a list on multiple lines if you want. The trailing comma is recommended but not required:

foods = [
    "ice cream",

Accessing items in a list

You can access individual items in a list using the [] characters and the index number of the item. The index numbers start at 0:

names = ["alecg", "danielj", "dimas"]

print(names[0])  # alecg
print(names[1])  # danielj
print(names[2])  # dimas

Adding an item to a list

To add an item to a list after it has been created, you can use the list.append() method. The list.append() method adds the item to the end of the list:

names = ["alecg", "danielj", "dimas"]


print(names)  # ['alecg', 'danielj', 'dimas', 'samh']

Updating an item in a list

To update a list item, replace the value at the index:

names = ["alecg", "danielj", "dimas"]

names[1] = "django"

print(names)  # ['alecg', 'django', 'dimas']

Removing an item from a list

To remove an item from a list, you can use the list.remove() method:

names = ["alecg", "danielj", "dimas"]


print(names)  # ['danielj', 'dimas']

If you want to remove an item from a list by its index number, use the list.pop() method:

names = ["alecg", "danielj", "dimas"]


print(names)  # ['danielj', 'dimas']

Looping through a list

To loop through the items in a list, use a for loop. Note the convention of using the plural names for the list and the singular name for the loop-iteration variable:

names = ["alecg", "danielj", "dimas"]

print("This documentation is brought to you by:")
for name in names:

Example Output:

This documentation is brought to you by:

Getting the number of items in a list

To get the number of items in a list, use the len() function:

names = ["alecg", "danielj", "dimas"]

num_names = len(names)

print(num_names)  # 3

Checking if an item is contained in a list

To check if an item is contained in a list, use the in operator:

names = ["alecg", "danielj", "dimas"]

"alecg" in names  # True
"samh" in names   # False

The in operator is generally used as part of a conditional statement:

names = ["alecg", "danielj", "dimas"]

if "alecg" in names:
    print("alecg is in the 'names' list")
    print("alecg is NOT in the 'names' list")

if "samh" in names:
    print("samh is in the 'names' list")
    print("samh is NOT in the 'names' list")

Example Output:

alecg is in the 'names' list
samh is NOT in the 'names' list

Sorting a list

To sort the values in a list, use the .sort() method. The sort is in-place, which means it reorders the original list instead of making a copy:

names = ["danielj", "alecg", "dimas"]

print(names)  # ['alecg', 'danielj', 'dimas']

You can pass keyword arguments to the list.sort() method to customize the way the list is sorted.

For example, the key argument can be a function to run on each item of the list before sorting:

names = ["Danielj", "alecg", "Dimas"]

# Notice how these aren't sorted correctly? Uppercase letters are "smaller"
# than lowercase letters in the sorting algorithm that `sort()` uses!
print(names)  # ['Danielj', 'Dimas', 'alecg']


# Now, everything is sorted correctly, and the original values haven't been
# changed. `sort()` only uses the `key` function during the sorting process.
print(names)  # ['alecg', 'Danielj', 'Dimas']

The reverse keyword argument of list.sort() is used to sort from high-to-low instead of low-to-high. It expects a bool value:

names = ["danielj", "alecg", "dimas"]

print(names)  # ['dimas', 'danielj', 'alecg']

To see an alternative way of sorting, look up the built in sorted() function.

Further Reading


The dict data structure is used to store data in key/value pairs:

staff = {
    "danielj": "Curriculum Developer",
    "alecg": "Curriculum Instructor",
    "dimas": "Designer",

You can use the dict() function to build a dict as well, note that the keys are keyword arguments:

staff = dict(
    danielj="Curriculum Developer",
    alecg="Curriculum Instructor",

Accessing items in a dict

You have to know the key to access an individual item in a dict:

staff = {
    "danielj": "Curriculum Developer",
    "alecg": "Curriculum Instructor",
    "dimas": "Designer",

daniel_job = staff["danielj"]
print(f"Daniel is a {daniel_job}.")  # Daniel is a Curriculum Developer.

alec_job = staff["alecg"]
print(f"Alec is a {alec_job}.")  # Alec is a Curriculum Instructor.

dima_job = staff["dimas"]
print(f"Dima is a {dima_job}.")  # Dima is a Designer.

If you need to pull a value from a dict inside an f-string, you must use different quote characters for the key (if it's a str).

students = {
    "Vicki": "3rd grade",
    "Sam": "4th grade",
    "Tammy": "4th grade",

print(f"Vicki is in {students['Vicki']}")
# Vicki is in 3rd grade

print(f"Sam is in {students['Sam']}")
# Sam is in 4th grade

print(f"Tammy is in {students['Tammy']}")
# Tammy is in 4th grade

Adding an item to a dict

You can add an item to a dict by providing the key/value pair (it's the same syntax as updating an item):

staff = {
    "danielj": "Curriculum Developer",
    "alecg": "Curriculum Instructor",
    "dimas": "Designer",

staff["django"] = "Director Of Pug Snorts"

print(staff)  # {'danielj': 'Curriculum Developer', 'alecg': 'Curriculum Instructor', 'dimas': 'Designer', 'django': 'Director Of Pug Snorts'}

Updating an item in a dict

To update an item in a dict, you must know the key:

staff = {
    "danielj": "Curriculum Developer",
    "alecg": "Curriculum Instructor",
    "dimas": "Designer",

staff["danielj"] = "Burrito Taste-Tester"

print(staff)  # {'danielj': 'Burrito Taste-Tester', 'alecg': 'Curriculum Instructor', 'dimas': 'Designer'}

Removing an item from a dict

To remove an item from a dict, use the dict.pop() method:

staff = {
    "danielj": "Curriculum Developer",
    "alecg": "Curriculum Instructor",
    "dimas": "Designer",


print(staff)  # {'alecg': 'Curriculum Instructor', 'dimas': 'Designer'}

Looping through a dict

To loop through a dict, you generally use the dict.items() method like this:

staff = {
    "danielj": "Curriculum Developer",
    "alecg": "Curriculum Instructor",
    "dimas": "Designer",

for name, job in staff.items():
    print(f"{name} is a {job}.")

Example Output:

danielj is a Curriculum Developer.
alecg is a Curriculum Instructor.
dimas is a Designer.

If you just want to loop over the keys of a dict, you can use a for loop just as you would with a list:

staff = {
    "danielj": "Curriculum Developer",
    "alecg": "Curriculum Instructor",
    "dimas": "Designer",

print("CWHQ staff:")
for name in staff:

Example Output:


Getting the keys from a dict

If you need to get all of the keys from a dict, use the dict.keys() method. Note, you'll usually want to cast the result to a list, which is why the list() function is used here:

staff = {
    "danielj": "Curriculum Developer",
    "alecg": "Curriculum Instructor",
    "dimas": "Designer",

names = list(staff.keys())

print(f"Here are all the names in the staff dict: {names}")

Example Output:

Here are all the names in the staff dict: ['danielj', 'alecg', 'dimas']

Getting the values from a dict

If you need to get all of the values from a dict, use the dict.values() method. Note, you'll usually want to cast the result to a list, which is why the list() function is used here:

staff = {
    "danielj": "Curriculum Developer",
    "alecg": "Curriculum Instructor",
    "dimas": "Designer",

jobs = list(staff.values())

print(f"Here are all the jobs in the staff dict: {jobs}")

Example Output:

Here are all the jobs in the staff dict: ['Curriculum Developer', 'Curriculum Instructor', 'Designer']

Getting the number of items in a dict

You can use the len() function to get the number of items in a dict:

staff = {
    "danielj": "Curriculum Developer",
    "alecg": "Curriculum Instructor",
    "dimas": "Designer",

number_of_staff = len(staff)

print(f"We have {number_of_staff} people on our staff.")  # We have 3 people on our staff.

Checking if an item is contained in a dict

To check if an item is contained in a dict, use the in operator:

students = {
    "Vicki": "3rd grade",
    "Sam": "4th grade",
    "Tammy": "4th grade",

if "Vicki" in students:
    print("Vicki is a student here")

Example Output:

Vicki is a student here

You can use the not operator before the in operator to test if a key is not in a dict:

students = {
    "Vicki": "3rd grade",
    "Sam": "4th grade",
    "Tammy": "4th grade",

if "Daniel" not in students:
    print("Daniel is NOT a student here")

Example Output:

Daniel is NOT a student here
Using dict.get() to test if an item is in a dict

The dict.get() method can be used as an alternative to in and not in. It returns the value of the given key or the special None value, which is used to indicate the absence of any valid value. The is operator is similar to ==, but it checks if the two values are the same exact thing in memory:

students = {
    "Vicki": "3rd grade",
    "Sam": "4th grade",
    "Tammy": "4th grade",

if students.get("Vicki") is not None:
    print("Vicki is a student here")

if students.get("Daniel") is None:
    print("Daniel is NOT a student here")

Example Output:

Vicki is a student here
Daniel is NOT a student here

Further Reading


Functions allow you to group related statements together to perform a task. They help to implement the D.R.Y.(Don't Repeat Yourself) principle because they reduce unnecessary repetition.

Built-in functions

Python comes with many built-in functions. We'll cover some of the most common that you'll see in CodeWizardsHQ courses below.


The float() function converts data to a float:

pi = float("3.14")

print(pi)  # 3.14
type(pi)  # <class 'float'>

two = float(2)

print(two)  # 2.0
type(two)  # <class 'float'>

The input() function allows you to prompt a user. The user's response is returned as a str, which you can store in a variable:

name = input("What is your name? ")
print(f"Nice to meet you, {name}!")

Example Output:

What is your name? Daniel
Nice to meet you, Daniel!

The int() function converts data to an int:

int_pi = int(3.14)

print(int_pi)  # 3
type(int_pi)  # <class 'int'>

meaning_of_life = int("42")

print(meaning_of_life)  # 42
type(meaning_of_life)  # <class 'int'>

The len() function returns the length of a sequence such as a list or str:

number_of_characters = len("How many characters are in this str?")
print(number_of_characters)  # 36

favorite_foods = ["tacos", "pizza", "nachos", "burritos"]

number_of_foods = len(favorite_foods)
print(number_of_foods)  # 4

The list() function creates a list from a sequence such as the result of dict.keys(), dict.values(), or a str:

character_list = list("Hello!")
print(character_list)  # ['H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', '!']

staff = {
    "danielj": "Curriculum Developer",
    "alecg": "Curriculum Instructor",
    "dimas": "Designer",

names = list(staff.keys())
print(names)  # ['danielj', 'alecg', 'dimas']

jobs = list(staff.values())
print(jobs)  # ['Curriculum Developer', 'Curriculum Instructor', 'Designer']

The open() function opens a file and returns it as a file object. It has two parameters file and mode.

#opening "my_file.txt" in read mode
file = open("my_file.txt", "r")

contents =


Mode Meaning
"r" Read-only mode
"w" Write mode. Will overwrite all data in the file or create a new one if it doesn't exist
"a" Append mode. Will add data to the end of the file, or create a new one if it doesn't exist

After you are finished with a file, call the .close() method.

Looping through a file line by line

To process the file contents line by line, you can use a for loop to go throught the file object

file = open("recipes.txt", "r")

counter = 0
for line in file:
    counter += 1
    if "taco" in line:
       print(f"found taco on line {counter}")

print(f"there are {counter} lines in the file")

The print() function displays text on the screen:

print("Hello, world!")  # Hello, world!
Using special characters with print()

You can use special characters such as \n and \t to format the text a bit. The \n adds a newline (like hitting enter on your keyboard) and the \t adds a tab:

print("Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3\n")
print("\tThis is tabbed over\n\tThis too.")

Example Output:

Line 1
Line 2
Line 3

        This is tabbed over
        This too.
Using the splat (*) operator to print a list

You an use the splat (*) operator to print the items of a list:

names = ["alecg", "danielj", "dimas"]

print(*names)  # alecg danielj dimas
Using the sep parameter

The sep parameter of print() let's you specifiy a given separator to add between each item passed to print(). It is commonly used in combination with the splat (*) operator to print the items of a list with a given separator between each item:

names = ["alecg", "danielj", "dimas"]

print(*names, sep=" -- ")  # alecg -- danielj -- dimas

The range() function is mainly used for counter-controlled repetition with a for loop:

for num in range(1, 4):
    print(f"{num} potato")

Example Output:

1 potato
2 potato
3 potato

Note that the last number is 3 in the example above, not 4!

Using the step parameter of the range() function

The range() function takes a third argument, step, which allows you to generate sequences of numbers separated by a given step:

for num in range(1, 11, 3):

Example Output:


The round() function is used to round a decimal number (float) to an integer or to round a decimal number to a given number of digits after the decimal point:

pi = 3.14159

pi_integer = round(pi)
print(pi_integer)  # 3

pi_two_decimal_points = round(pi, 2)
print(pi_two_decimal_points)  # 3.14

The sorted() function is used to sort a list:

names = ["danielj", "alecg", "dimas"]
sorted_names = sorted(names)

print(sorted_names)  # ['alecg', 'danielj', 'dimas']

You can pass keyword arguments to the sorted() function to customize the way the list is sorted.

For example, the key argument can be a function to run on each item of the list before sorting:

names = ["Danielj", "alecg", "Dimas"]
sorted_names = sorted(names)

# Notice how these aren't sorted correctly? Uppercase letters are "smaller"
# than lowercase letters in the sorting algorithm that `sort()` uses!
print(sorted_names)  # ['Danielj', 'Dimas', 'alecg']

sorted_names = sorted(names, key=str.lower)

# Now, everything is sorted correctly, and the original values haven't been
# changed. `sort()` only uses the `key` function during the sorting process.
print(sorted_names)  # ['alecg', 'Danielj', 'Dimas']

The reverse keyword argument of sort() is used to sort from high-to-low instead of low-to-high. It expects a bool value:

names = ["danielj", "alecg", "dimas"]
reverse_sorted_names = sorted(names, reverse=True)

print(reverse_sorted_names)  # ['dimas', 'danielj', 'alecg']

The str() function turns its argument into a str data type. This comes in handy if you have a number but want to treat it like a str:

meaning_of_life = 42
print("The meaning of life is " + str(meaning_of_life))

Example Output:

The meaning of life is 42

If you use f-strings, you don't have to worry about converting numbers to str when working with str data:

meaning_of_life = 42
print(f"The meaning of life is {meaning_of_life}")

Example Output:

The meaning of life is 42

Further Reading

User-defined functions

You define a function using the def keyword, and function definitions go at the TOP of your file:

def say_hello():

Calling a function

Defining a function does not run the statements in the body of the function. To run a function, you call it like this:

def say_hello():

say_hello()  # Hello!

Adding parameters to a function

When you define a function, you can add parameters that the function caller should pass in. Parameters are like variables, but the value of the variable is set by the function caller, not the function definer:

def say_hello(name):
    print(f"Hello, {name}!")

Passing arguments to a function

If a function accepts parameters, you need to pass them in when you call the function. The values you pass to the function are called the arguments to the function:

def say_hello(name):
    print(f"Hello, {name}!")

say_hello("Daniel")  # Hello, Daniel!

Returning a value from a function

You can return a value from a function by using the return keyword:

def add(number_1, number_2):
    total = number_1 + number_2
    return total

Capturing a function's return value

If a function returns a value, you can capture it in a varible:

def add(number_1, number_2):
    total = number_1 + number_2
    return total

total = add(2, 3)
print(total)  # 5

You can also use the value immediately in another function, like print():

def add(number_1, number_2):
    total = number_1 + number_2
    return total

print(add(2, 3))  # 5
print(f"2 + 3 = {add(2, 3)}")  # 2 + 3 = 5

Indentation in functions

The base-level of indentation in a function is 4 spaces. If you have another statement inside your function that also requires indentation (like a conditional statement or loop), you need to indent the body of that statement by 4 more spaces:

def say_hello(name):
    print(f"Hello, {name}!")
    if name == "Daniel":
        print("That's a cool name!")
        print("Nice to meet you!")


Example Output:

Hello, Daniel!
That's a cool name!

Hello, Alec!
Nice to meet you!

Using an early return statement to exit a function

A return statement can be used to exit a function. This is normally used when you want to verify (with a conditional statement) that some preconditions are valid before continuing to execute a function body:

def greet_codewizard(name):
    if name not in ["danielj", "alecg", "dimas"]:
        print("I don't know you!")

    print(f"Hello, {name}!")

greet_codewizard("danielj")  # Hello, danielj!
greet_codewizard("django")   # I don't know you!

Further Reading


If you need to repeat something in your programs, you'll need to use one of Python's looping mechanisms.


A for loop is generally used to loop over a sequence, such as a list:

fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]

for fruit in fruits:

Example Output:


You can also use a for loop to loop over the characters in a str:

name = "Daniel"

for letter in name:

Example Output:


Counter-controlled repetition

You can combine the range() function and the for loop to create a counter-controlled loop:

for num in range(1, 4):
    print(f"{num} potato")

Example Output:

1 potato
2 potato
3 potato

Searching for a value in a for loop

You can use a conditional statement inside a for loop to search for a particular item in a list and then do something. Note the indentation:

fruits = ["orange", "banana", "cherry", "apple"]

for fruit in fruits:
    if fruit == "orange":
        print(f"{fruit} is the best fruit")

Example Output:

orange is the best fruit

Finding a value in a for loop to use after the loop finishes

You can store an item from the for loop for later use by creating a variable before the for loop with some default value.

fruits = ["orange", "banana", "cherry", "apple"]

# The best_fruit will be a str, so the empty str is a good default.
best_fruit = ""

for fruit in fruits:
    if fruit == "orange":
        best_fruit = fruit

# The best fruit is orange.
print(f"The best fruit is {best_fruit}.")

Creating a new list in a for loop

Often, you'll want to loop through a list and build a new list from the contents of the original list. This technique is called mapping, and it's a common thing to do with lists and for loops:

prices = [10, 12, 5, 8]
discounted_prices = []

for price in prices:
    discounted_price = price - (price * .10)

# Here are your discounted prices:[9, 10.8, 4.5, 7.2]
print(f"Here are your discounted prices: {discounted_prices}")

Creating a list of a pre-determined size with a for loop

Using a for loop and the range() function, you can fill a list to a pre-determined size:

fruits = []

for num in range(1,5):
    fruit = input(f"Enter fruit number {num}: ")

Example Output:

Enter fruit number 1: apples
Enter fruit number 2: bananas
Enter fruit number 3: oranges
Enter fruit number 4: kiwi

Nested loops

You can nest for loops inside of each other to perform and action once for each time in the outer for loop:

fruits = ["pizza", "taco"]

for fruit in fruits:
    for num in range(1, 4):
        print(f"{num} {fruit}")

Example Output:

1 pizza
2 pizza
3 pizza
1 taco
2 taco
3 taco

Further Reading


A while loop is generally used to perform indefinite repetition (when you don't know how many times you want to loop).

For example, you can use a while loop to ask a user something until they answer correctly:

keep_looping = True  # This variable controls whether we loop or not.

while keep_looping:
    user_guess = input("What is the meaning of life? ")

    if user_guess == "42":
        print("That's correct!")
        keep_looping = False  # Stops the loop.
        print("That's incorrect! Please try again.")

Example Output:

What is the meaning of life? To make money
That's incorrect! Please try again.
What is the meaning of life? To eat tacos
That's incorrect! Please try again.
What is the meaning of life? 42
That's correct!

Using break to exit a loop

You can also use a break statement instead of using a variable to control how many times an indefinite while loop runs:

while True:
    user_guess = input("What is the meaning of life? ")

    if user_guess == "42":
        print("That's correct!")
        break  # Stops the loop.
        print("That's incorrect! Please try again.")

Example Output:

What is the meaning of life? To make money
That's incorrect! Please try again.
What is the meaning of life? To eat tacos
That's incorrect! Please try again.
What is the meaning of life? 42
That's correct!

Counter-controlled repetition

You can use a while loop to perform counter-controlled repetition as well, but the for loop with the range() function is generally preferred:

counter = 0

while counter < 5:
    counter += 1  # If you forget this, you'll have an infinite loop!

Example Output:


Further Reading

Math Operations

Python is used heavily in math-related fields, so there are a large suite of tools for performing mathematical operations built-in to the language.

Arithmetic Operators

The four basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) are similar to how you would use them with calculator:

total = 8 + 2
difference = 8 - 2
product = 8 * 2
quotient = 8 / 2

print(f"8 + 2 = {total}")       # 8 + 2 = 10
print(f"8 - 2 = {difference}")  # 8 - 2 = 6
print(f"8 * 2 = {product}")     # 8 * 2 = 16
print(f"8 / 2 = {quotient}")    # 8 / 2 = 4.0

Note that in the example above, division always produces a float.

Arithmetic only works between numbers

Both data types must be numeric data types, you cannot perform arithmetic between a str and a number.

num_tacos =  2  + "1"  # no
num_tacos = "2" + "1"  # no

num_tacos = "1" *  3   # no
num_tacos = "1" * "3"  # no

Other Operators

There are a few other common operators that Pythonistas use when performing math in Python.


The modulo operator (%) returns the remainder after division:

10 % 3  # 1


The power operator (**) multiplies a number by itself a given number of times:

3 ** 2  # 9

Floor division

The floor division operator (//) removes any fractional portion after divison:

10 // 3  # 3

Further Reading


Python is often called a batteries-included language because of the plethora of built-in modules that the language contains. Modules are just Python files full of functionality that you don't have to write yourself; you merely import the things you want from a module and use them in your programs.

Getting access to functions in modules

To get a function from a module, you import it. There are several different types of imports, which we'll briefly cover below.

Importing a single function

To import a single function, just write the function name (without parentheses) after the import keyword:

from module_name import function_name

Importing multiple functions

If you need to import multiple functions from a module, separate them by commas:

from module_name import some_function, some_other_function

Importing all functions

To import all items from a module (not recommended generally, but we do this in some courses like E24 and M11), use the * import syntax:

from module_name import *

Renaming imported functions

Sometimes, its nice to rename a function you import from a module (like when the function name is really long or confusing). You can do this using the as keyword:

from module_name import some_really_long_function_name as short_name

Further Reading

Built-in modules

Python comes with 100s of built-in modules. We'll briefly cover a few that are used often at CWHQ in this section. See the Further Reading section for details on where you can browse all of Python's built-in modules.


The datetime module is used to work with times and dates.

Getting a today's date

You use the method to get today's date in the form YYYY-MM-DD:

from datetime import date

# Let's pretend it's February 10, 2023 for this example
current_date =
print(current_date)  # 2023-02-10


The random module is used to add randomness to your programs.

Getting a random integer

You use the randint() function to get a random integer between two numbers:

from random import randint

# Get an integer between 1 and 10
random_integer = randint(1, 10)
print(random_integer)  # 3
Getting a random value from a sequence

You use the choice() function to get a random value from a sequence (str, list, or tuple):

from random import choice

names = ["daniel", "alec", "dima"]
random_name = choice(names)

print(random_name)  # dima
Shuffling the items in a sequence

The shuffle() function can be used to shuffle the items in a sequence (list or str). The function modifies the original sequence, so there's no return value.

from random import shuffle

answers = ["Five", "Seven", "Eight"]

print(answers)  # ['Seven', 'Eight', 'Five']

Further Reading


The sqlite3 module is used to interact with SQLite databases from Python. This section will focus on the sqlite3 module, and won't go into much detail on the SQL language at all. If you're interested in understanding SQL, check out the SQL Language Docs.

The following examples will all reference a SQLite DB called user-info.db with a single table called users in the shape below:

 user_id  username   password  
    1       djs     mypa$$word 
    2      django      w0ff    
    3      alecg       c0de    
Connecting to a SQLite database from Python

To use the sqlite3 module, you must first import it:

import sqlite3

Once the sqlite3 module is imported, you'll want to connect to a SQLite database. SQLite databases are just plain files, and the file extension is irrelevant (some people use .db, others .sqlite3, etc.).

The sqlite3.connect() method is how you connect to a SQLite database. Note that it will create the database if it doesn't exist.

import sqlite3

connection = sqlite3.connect("user-info.db")

Just like with files, you'll need to close the connection to a DB when you're done with it. The connection.close() method should be used for this purpose. Note that no further queries can be run against the DB after that line completes.

import sqlite3

connection = sqlite3.connect("user-info.db")

# Do some stuff with the DB...

# When you're done with the DB connection, close it!
Executing SQL statements from Python

To execute a SQL statement from a Python script, you need to create a cursor from your connection using the connection.cursor() method:

import sqlite3

connection = sqlite3.connect("user-info.db")
cursor = connection.cursor()

One you've created the cursor object, you can use the cursor.execute() method to execute a SQL query (in the form of a Python str) against the DB you've connected to:

import sqlite3

connection = sqlite3.connect("user-info.db")
cursor = connection.cursor()

query = """
        username TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL,
        password TEXT NOT NULL


If you need to run multiple statements, you can use the cursor.executescript() method. It takes a str of the different SQL statements as an argument. Note that each statement must end with a semicolon when using cursor.executescript():

import sqlite3

connection = sqlite3.connect("user-info.db")
cursor = connection.cursor()

script = """
        username TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL,
        password TEXT NOT NULL

    INSERT INTO users (username, password) VALUES ('steve', 'm!necr@ft');
    INSERT INTO users (username, password) VALUES ('mario', 'mu$hr00m@n');


When using cursor.executescript(), you can pull the script from a file as well:


    username TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL,
    password TEXT NOT NULL

INSERT INTO users (username, password) VALUES ('steve', 'm!necr@ft');
INSERT INTO users (username, password) VALUES ('mario', 'mu$hr00m@n');

import sqlite3

connection = sqlite3.connect("user-info.db")
cursor = connection.cursor()

file = open("script.sql", "r")
script =



The cursor.executescript() method should only be used to do things like create tables, insert values, etc. You can't use it with SELECT statements.

Modifying SQL DBs from Python

If your query modifies the database (as INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE queries do) you'll need to use the connection.commit() method to ensure the changes are stored in the DB:

import sqlite3

connection = sqlite3.connect("user-info.db")
cursor = connection.cursor()

query = """
    INSERT INTO users (username, password) VALUES ("alexg", "r@wkcl!m3");

cursor.execute(query) # Careful! The changes aren't stored in the DB yet...
connection.commit()  # Now, the changes are stored in the DB!

The DB would look like this after the changes above, note that user alexg has been added:

 user_id  username   password  
    1       djs     mypa$$word 
    2      django      w0ff    
    3      alecg       c0de    
    4      alexg    r@wkcl!m3  
Reading data from a SQL DB in Python

If you need to read data from a DB, then you'll have to fetch the results from the cursor.

If you expect multiple results, cursor.fetchall() returns a list of tuples, where each tuple represents a row in the DB:

import sqlite3

connection = sqlite3.connect("user-info.db")
cursor = connection.cursor()

query = """
    SELECT * FROM users;

results = cursor.fetchall()

The results variable from the example above would have this form:

[(1, 'djs', 'mypa$$word'), (2, 'django', 'w0ff'), (3, 'alecg', 'c0de')]

If you want a single result (usally when using a WHERE clause with an = comparison), you use the cursor.fetchone() method to get a single tuple result representing the selection (one or more columns) from your query:

import sqlite3

connection = sqlite3.connect("user-info.db")
cursor = connection.cursor()

query = """
    SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = "djs";

result = cursor.fetchone()

The result variable from the example above would have this form:

(1, 'djs', 'mypa$$word')
Using Row Factories

Usually, fetched records from a SQLite DB are returned as a list of tuples, as you can see in the previous section. If you use a row factory, you'll get a list of sqlite3.Row objects instead:

import sqlite3

connection = sqlite3.connect("user-info.db")

# Allows us to get sqlite3.Row objects as results of queries
connection.row_factory = sqlite3.Row

cursor = connection.cursor()

query = """
    SELECT * FROM users;

results = cursor.fetchall()

for result in results:


<sqlite3.Row object at 0x7f82916e3c10>
<sqlite3.Row object at 0x7f8290367790>
<sqlite3.Row object at 0x7f8290367760>

These sqlite3.Row objects behave like dicts, so you can access the each resulting row using the column name instead of the index number:

import sqlite3

connection = sqlite3.connect("user-info.db")
connection.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
cursor = connection.cursor()

query = """
    SELECT * FROM users;

results = cursor.fetchall()

for result in results:

first_result = results[0]

print(f"user_id: {first_result['user_id']}")
print(f"username: {first_result['username']}")
print(f"password: {first_result['password']}")


{'user_id': 1, 'username': 'djs', 'password': 'mypa$$word'}
{'user_id': 2, 'username': 'django', 'password': 'w0ff'}
{'user_id': 3, 'username': 'alecg', 'password': 'c0de'}
user_id: 1
username: djs
password: mypa$$word

The advantage to using a row factory is that you don't need to know the order of the columns in a table to access specific columns. You can instead simply use the column name.

Getting the column names from a table

SQLite has a PRAGMA statement (often used as as a table-valued function) that allows you to query metadata about a table. Using PRAGMA_TABLE_INFO is a handy way to pull the column names (or other metadata about the columns such as column constraints) from a table using a simple SELECT query, as in the example below:

import sqlite3

connection = sqlite3.connect("user-info.db")
cursor = connection.cursor()

query = """
    SELECT name AS column_name FROM PRAGMA_TABLE_INFO("users");

result = cursor.fetchall()

The result variable from the above query would have this form:

[('user_id',) ('username',) ('password',)]
Getting the primary key of last inserted row

When using an AUTOINCREMENT constraint on a PRIMARY KEY column, you let the SQLite DB create the PRIMARY KEY for each row as they are inserted. This means you won't know the PRIMARY KEY if you need to use it in further statements after a row has been inserted in the DB.

Using the cursor.lastrowid property, you can get the PRIMARY KEY of the last row to be inserted in the DB and use it in further statements:

import sqlite3

connection = sqlite3.connect("users.sqlite")
cursor = connection.cursor()

def select_all_users():
    query = """
        SELECT * FROM users;

    results = cursor.fetchall()

print("Results before INSERT")

query = """
    INSERT INTO users (username, password) VALUES ('steve', 'm!n3cr@ft');


print("Results after INSERT")

# Will give us the `user_id` of the last inserted user
last_user_id = cursor.lastrowid

print(f"The ID of the last row inserted is: {last_user_id}")
Results before INSERT
[(1, 'djs', 'mypa$$word'), (2, 'django', 'w0ff'), (3, 'alecg', 'c0de')]
Results after INSERT
[(1, 'djs', 'mypa$$word'), (2, 'django', 'w0ff'), (3, 'alecg', 'c0de'), (4, 'steve', 'm!n3cr@ft')]
The ID of the last row inserted is: 4

Further Reading

The pass statement

You use the pass statement to act as a placeholder in a conditional statement or function definition. Programmers refer to this as "stubbing-out" the code block. No logic will run in the block a pass statement appears in. Python needs the pass statement because you can't have empty function or conditional blocks.

Using pass in a function

The pass statement can be used in a function definition as a placeholder before you write the main logic. This ensures your program still works but gives you a convenient way to see that you still need to implement some logic:

def order_pizza():

Using pass in a conditional statement

The pass statement can also be used in a conditioal statement. This comes in handy if you know that you need a conditional statement but you don't have any of the logic ready yet:

action = input("What do you want to do? ")

if action == "Order Pizza":
elif action == "Order Tacos":


Variables assign a name to a value. The naming convention in Python is to use snake_case for variable names, and UPPER_SNAKE_CASE for named constants.

Creating a variable

You create a variable by assigning a name to a value using the assignment operator (=):

my_name = "Daniel"
my_age = 35

Creating a named constant

Named constants can replace magic numbers in your program.

For example, what does 1 and 2 represent here?

if user_choice == 1:
    # Do something cool...
elif user_choice == 2:
    # Do another cool thing...

1 and 2 in the example above are magic numbers because we would have to hunt down their meaning by reading more of the program. If we instead create a named constant for each, the meaning is clearer:


if user_choice == ORDER_TACOS:
    # Order tacos...
elif user_choice == ORDER_PIZZA:
    # Order pizza

Updating the value of a variable

You can update the value stored in a variable like this:

score = 0
score = score + 1   # 0 + 1

print(score)        # 1

score = score + 1   # 1 + 1

print(score)        # 2

The same works for decreasing the value of a variable:

score = 3
score = score - 1   # 3 - 1

print(score)        # 2

score = score - 1   # 2 - 1

print(score)        # 1

There's also a shorthand notation:

score = 0
score += 1    # 0 + 1

print(score)  # 1

score += 1    # 1 + 1

print(score)  # 2

score -= 1    # 2 - 1

print(score)  # 1

score -= 1    # 1 - 1

print(score)  # 0

Global variables

Any variable created outside of function definition is considered a global variable. If you want to modify a global variable from inside a function definition, you need to use the global keyword:

# This is a global variable
score = 0

def update_score():
    # Must do this to modify the variable
    global score
    # Now this is OK
    score = score + 1   # 1

Using literals instead of variables

You don't always need a variable to hold a value. If you're only going to use a value in a single place, it may make more sense to use the bare value (called a literal value) instead.

For example, in this program, a random item is chosen from the favorite_foods list:

from random import choice

favorite_foods = ["taco", "pizza", "fries"]
random_food = choice(favorite_foods)

If we're not going to use the favorite_foods list anywhere else in our program, we could write the same logic like this:

from random import choice

random_food = choice(["taco", "pizza", "fries"])


This example exists to show you that you can use a value in place of a variable. It is almost always more appropriate to give a good variable name to a value instead of using the literal value.

Further Reading